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Idaho Legislature’s dangerous precedent

The Idaho legislative session needs to end now. Legislators have made it their priority to take away control from the federal government, the governor, local agencies, schools/universities, and the people of Idaho. The extended session has resulted in rushed bills with long-lasting negative effects.

Bill H 377 was rammed through the session in record time with only 19 hours between its introduction and public hearings in both houses. Public input was limited and final votes occurred under the suspension of rules. This bill has more significance than the fact that it gives the legislature power to remove funding if schools and universities do not abide by a very vague policy statement. It sets a dangerous precedent for future legislatures to dictate policy using budgetary threats. This is not how our government is supposed to work.

Legislators need to go home to their constituents and explain why their children’s teachers will likely avoid discussions of the history of racism in our state and nation, why their property taxes are still high, why they will not be able to get a citizen-led initiative on the ballot, and why their community will not receive grant money for pre-K programs for working families.

Kathy Dawes


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