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Voice of an American veteran

The president said in an interview regarding John McCain’s heroic military service, “I like people who aren’t captured.” An article in The Atlantic magazine reported the president called thousands of our WWI fallen “losers” and suckers.” Recently, he stated top Defense Department officials want to keep waging wars to keep defense contractors happy.

Vivid memories surface from the time I crewed air evacuation flights in 1973 to retrieve hundreds of American prisoners of war from Vietnam. I could not have met more dedicated patriots. Unfortunately, the president doesn’t like people who have been captured.

My friend and fellow flight nurse, Captain Mary Klinker, served in Operation Babylift in 1975 flying orphans out of Vietnam just before the fall of Saigon. The C5-A Galaxy she crewed crashed, taking her life. Is Mary and the other 58,317 whose names are etched on “The Wall” losers and suckers, too?

I am proud of senior officials who sharply responded concerning the president’s remarks against the top leadership of the U.S. military. The president is top boss of the Department of Defense. Does he know he is criticizing himself when he slams the people he oversees?

Think about this. The president has the nuclear codes to launch warheads on-demand. His impulsivity seems uncontainable. I pray he would not “push the button” feeling his image might be tarnished for using diplomacy rather than force.

I plan to cast my ballot with this in mind. I urge you to do the same.

Col. Patricia Kowal, USAF, retired


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