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Yes, Colin Kaepernick knelt for the flag; I got a sense right away what he was doing. It was patriotic, trying to bring attention to liberty and justice and so to the threat to democracy. It was as patriotic as waving flags and political slogans while ignoring that threat.

The offended far-right Christians don’t seem to honor the God-given freedom that this nation was founded on, this being the right to peacefully demonstrate when our political and Christian principles are threatened.

Originally the BLM movement was backed and encouraged by pastors and churches and other Black leaders of the community in Spokane. White Christians, these are our brothers and sisters in Christ and we need to get behind them and back them up, and encourage, not criticize the movement. Black Christians matter, too. If we need a revival for healing, let them lead, not the hypocritical political Christians.

We blame other Christians without really identifying the agitators and violent people. These are certainly rooted in white supremacy, the number one threat to our nation and democracy according to the FBI. Should we believe the FBI or Trump? We have fought two world wars and a civil war over this.

The Black Lives Matter movement has succeeded in at least one thing: bringing out who the racists, neo-Nazis and other hate groups are, who they stand for and who stands for them. Wake up and vote while you can!

Francie Armstrong


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