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No right to infect others

Reference “Eleven ID lawmakers want to rescind mask mandate” in the October 2 edition of the Spokesman-Review.

It was no surprise that all eleven of those legislators were Republicans. These idiots continue to pretend that wearing a face mask is an issue of “Individual Liberties.” If they were paying any attention whatsoever to the C.D.C., they would know, as do all the rest of us, that the primary purpose of masks is to prevent the wearer from spreading their germs to others.

This isn’t a “personal decision” regarding the possibility of their becoming infected. The issue is that they have NO right to infect others by refusing to wear masks in public. Unfortunately, they have taken up Trump’s primary debating tactic, which is that lying is OK when it supports their agenda.

This issue highlights the major difference between the two political parties. The Democrats are primarily concerned about the welfare of the community. The Republicans couldn’t care less about the community – all they care about is themselves.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers should be removed for refusing to repudiate that childish narcissist Trump. During the impeachment proceeding, instead of doing what was best for the country, she did what was best for her party and therefore, her re-election campaign.

The Republicans are destroying our democracy. Vote them out.

Doug Herrman


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