Senator Steve Daines Fighting For Baseball In Montana

Just a few weeks ago a story came out that major and minor league baseball was on the cusp of coming to an agreement that would put baseball in Montana in jeopardy. Senator Steve Daines is doing everything he can to prevent that from happening.
“I sent a letter to commissioner Manfred and the minor league baseball president O’Connor saying let’s extend the current agreement out to 2022,” said Daines.
Daines says that those two years will give Montana time to make its case.
“I mean our communities right now are having a hard time this is not the right time to make any decision regarding the future of minor league baseball in Montana and so that was out message and the other message is we want them to get out to Montana, spend some time in our communities. We find when people get out to Montana they have a great experience they’re going to see these fantastic communities that are so behind their teams and I think that will be an important part about helping them make the right decision to keep minor league baseball here in Montana,” said Daines
We’ll have more on this story as it continues to develop.