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Shame on you!
Come on people! This is ridiculous! A two week supply of the items listed to have on hand in case you are quarantined because of the COVID-19 virus or perhaps a month’s supply for a family but certainly not enough for an entire year. By hoarding, yes hoarding, you are denying the rest of us our rightful share.
What about the senior woman on a fixed income who has difficulty even getting to the store, only to have items on her list met with empty store shelves?
Here’s a novel idea: Look outside of yourself and seek out an elderly person in your neighborhood. Inquire as to their needs and then, another novel idea for you, SHARE from the supply you have hoarded.
Thanks to Fred Meyer and Costco for putting a purchase limit on said supplies, but you hoarders have your way around that. You have your means. We’ve seen you in action before. Shame on you! No doubt you have parked your car outside your garage so you will have ample room to store the supplies you’ve recently hoarded.
Come on people! Think beyond yourselves and show some consideration for the rest of us.
Trudy L. Zaborski