Resolutions for 2021 – and tips for success
With the new year right around the corner, you’ve likely thought, at least a little bit, about whether you’d like to set a resolution. Perhaps you’re a resolution regular, setting goals year after year with varying degrees of success. Or maybe this is the first time you’ve felt inspired to set a goal for yourself in the coming year.
Either way, a few tips could help you achieve your resolution(s) in 2021. Speaking with CNBC Make It this month, author Jen Sincero, who released “Badass Habits: Cultivate the Awareness, Boundaries and Daily Upgrades You Need to Make Them Stick” on Dec. 1, suggested people setting a resolution keep them manageable.
Rather than being disappointed when a resolution doesn’t stick in one fell swoop, break it down into smaller steps. If you’d like to save money, for instance, don’t expect your bank account to double overnight. Instead, put a few dollars from each paycheck into a savings account.
“You can have grand goals, but you’ve got to start small, or you are going to just fall off that wagon so quickly,” Sincero said.
The author also suggested goal-setters get specific when they’re creating their resolutions. If you’re goal is to work out more, figure out what “more” looks like. What days will you work out, and what will the workout involve?
Finally, Sincero suggests “chunking it down.” Essentially, instead of thinking about the year as a whole, take your resolution one day at a time. To return to the saving money resolution, you could think about it as saving $1 a day instead of worrying about whether you’ll save hundreds of dollars by the end of the year.
With those tips in mind, maybe you’ll decide to set a resolution for 2021. Below are a few popular resolutions. But just remember: Change takes time, so be patient – and give yourself a lot of grace.
Exercise more
If you would like to exercise more, consider joining a gym (when gyms are able to reopen, of course), or try a few of the many fitness videos on YouTube. You could also start your exercise journey by taking walks or going on runs around your neighborhood. If you have workout equipment at home, dust it off, but know that you don’t need a fully furnished home gym to begin working out.
Eat healthier
This resolution usually goes hand in hand with exercising more. Drink lots of water, and try to eat more mindfully and without distraction. Meal prepping will help ensure you have a healthy meal on hand. Don’t throw away all your sweets, though. Completely cutting them out will likely only make you want them more. As the quote, often attributed to Oscar Wilde, goes, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.”
Learn a new hobby or skill
Maybe you’d like to learn a new language, or maybe you’ve had a craft kit you’ve been meaning to try sitting in the closet for ages. If you’d like to pick up a new hobby or learn a new skill in 2021, think of small ways you could add some practice time into your schedule. Apps like Duolingo can make learning a new language more manageable via bite-sized lessons and games. Or you could swap a half hour of television with painting, knitting, creative writing or your hobby of choice. Consider it a bit of “me time.”
The coronavirus pandemic made traveling difficult this year, but with the vaccine on its way to people across the world, the new year will likely bring new travel opportunities with it. Plan the international trip of your dreams, or explore closer to home with a series of small staycations. Consider driving or taking the train, if you usually fly, for a different view. The world won’t reopen all at once, of course, so check travel restrictions for the places you’d like to visit.
Spend less, save more
Saving money doesn’t mean you have to stop spending completely. Instead, try to be more mindful of what you’re buying and where you’re buying it from. Start frequenting thrift stores or use things like Facebook Marketplace and neighborhood Buy Nothing groups to find what you need for less. Eat in more, and set a budget when you go grocery shopping and stick to it. Borrow books and movies from a friend or the library instead of purchasing them new. As previously mentioned, your bank account won’t double overnight, but, over time, small changes will add up to big savings.
Azaria Podplesky can be reached at (509) 459-5024 or at