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Fluoridation is outdated

Water fluoridation is an outdated idea born when major industries were looking for ways to dispose of large amounts of a toxic chemical that was contaminating ground and water supplies and poisoning animals. Legally pouring it into municipal water systems was a dream come true.

There have been many studies of this issue. The upshot is that fluoride does appear to strengthen tooth enamel. The effect comes from topical contact of fluoride on the teeth, not from gallons of fluoridated water percolating through our organs. The most effective way to apply it is by brushing with fluoridated toothpaste. Since it became prevalent there is very little difference in decay rates comparing fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities. Low income children could have access to fluoride by getting free toothpaste and toothbrushes in schools just as they do meals.

Reported adverse health effects from fluoride are numerous including a recent Canadian study which showed that higher fluoride exposure in pregnant mothers correlated with lower IQ scores in their boy children.

I’m hoping that the city leaders will not be stampeded onto a train back to the 1950’s. It would be an unnecessary expense at a time when we can least afford it.

Richard E. League


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