Speak up for change
Joe Heller’s “toon” for August 4th succinctly shows part of the great debate in Congress surrounding the next relief package. (Spokesman-Review, August 4, 2020)
Also appropriate is primary election day and the votes of the people today (Aug. 4) in five states. But we can also use our voices to help break the deadlock that will end in 19-23 million Americans facing evictions by the end of September, millions more hungry families, and bankrupt state and local governments around the country.
The House passed the Heroes Act over two months ago, but the Senate has been slow to follow. Contacting our members of the Senate and encouraging our friends around the country to do the same can create the political will to pass relief to avoid these tragedies.
Rep. McMorris Rodgers can reach out to her party’s senators to encourage them to include the rent relief, eviction moratorium, continuation of the $600 unemployment, along with relief dollars for local health departments, and state and local governments, that were all part of the House bill. Our voices matter right now, as will our votes again in November.
Take a moment to speak up to help pass this compassionate legislation.
Willie Dickerson