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Billig delivers for Spokane

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Senator Andy Billig since he was first elected to the Washington State House in 2010.

What I like about Senator Billig is that he isn’t focused on his own agenda – he listens to the needs of Spokane’s residents and businesses and truly delivers on the community’s vision and requests. Our agenda is his agenda. During the eight years I served on Spokane City Council, he partnered with community leaders to bring the WSU Medical School to Spokane; he helped pass key transportation investments, including the U-District bridge, Spokane Transit Central City Line, and the North South Corridor; he was the prime sponsor of a bill that will reduce property crime in our community.

It’s not always easy to champion local Spokane solutions in Olympia, but he is effective and respected – so much so that his peers elected him Senate Majority Leader. Senator Billig recognizes the deep disparities in education and economic outcomes for low income and marginalized communities in Spokane and across Washington State. He is committed to closing achievement and opportunity gaps by investing in education from cradle to career – especially affordable, high-quality childcare, and early learning opportunities.

As a businessman and effective legislator, Senator Billig will help us build back our economy from the impacts of COVID 19 and continue to support local solutions. Please join me in voting to reelect 3rd Legislative District State Senator Andy Billig.

Amber Waldref


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