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Occupation of Portland

Donald Trump and his staff have finally gone beyond a point of no return for me. The occupation of Portland, Oregon by some type of federal police violates several amendments in the Bill of Rights, most noticeably the Fourth Amendment. The violation is “The right of people to be secure in their person” which are the beginning words of this amendment. People are being detained by federal authorities attired in black with no visible identification on the clothing. The Presential staff claims these persons are border patrol or homeland security. If this is so, why are they not in their uniforms? Additionally, they use unmarked vehicles.

The protesters have the right to assemble by the First Amendment. The Tenth Amendment states that powers not specifically given to the Federal Government is reserved for the states. Policing of the civilian population has historically been one of the powers in the hands of the local governments. The Ninth Amendment fully quoted here: The enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This means the Federal Government can not mock or denigrate the protesters as has been done, they have the right to continue their rights as outlined above.

Finally, the black clad individuals remind me of actions by some of the most repressive regimes in the past such as lead by Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Stalin and Pinochet.

David Daugharty


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