The other virus
As a young Chinese American, I am concerned with the other virus that is spreading alongside COVID-19: anti-Asian racism and xenophobia. According to California Representative Judy Chu, reports of hate crimes against Asian Americans average approximately 100 a day, with more unreported as well.
It isn’t hard to understand why racism and bigotry have surged when you look to some of the leaders of our country and the harmful ideology that they spread, consciously or subconsciously, to the American people. Trump may have referred to the virus as the “Chinese Virus” because he just wanted to be “accurate,” but the reality is that by calling it that, he created racial stigma and catalyzed attacks against Asian Americans.
Now, more than ever, we must realize that we are all in this fight together, and we cannot contain the spread of this virus by spreading hate against a group of people who are trying to help just as much as others. It scares and saddens me to think about how when I and others who look like me are seen in public, we could be targeted against for simply being Asian.
During these difficult times, it is completely valid to have feelings of fear, frustration and anger. But please, don’t let those feelings translate into feeling justified to discriminate against Asians. Don’t be a part of the problem and spread the other virus.
Rosie Zhou