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Break from China

There seem to be many people in the U.S. who are willing to give the People’s Republic of China a pass on the pandemic.

We are all extremely angry to see our nation near collapse due to President Xi Jinping’s irresponsibility. He could have stopped the operation of wildlife markets when the SARS virus appeared in 2003. Communist dictators that can imprison one million Chinese Muslims could have surely found a way to stop the wildlife market trade within its borders beginning 17 years ago.

Just perhaps American manufacturing in China might abandon the Chinese and relocate. There are thirty-two nations in the Southern Hemisphere that are capable of supplying labor and are not communist. It is imperative that we have change. This would be a giant step. It is time that we end this experiment with China.

I say the Southern Hemisphere because of the seasonal differences. When summer comes in the Northern Hemisphere, of course it is reversed in the south. This change of climate could be quite significant in that viruses generally are insignificant in the summer season. Sunlight and temperature just may be nature’s way of killing germs.

If you look at a worldwide map, most of the pandemic is in countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Let’s face it … there are only two significant seasons: winter and summer. We do not see vast expanses of flu or coronavirus in summer.

Thirty-two other countries than China could take over manufacturing. Hopefully executives from American industry will see it in this way.

Jack A. Abel


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