MSU-Northern Announces plans for New Football Stadium

After two long years of planning, budgeting, and fundraising, a new football stadium is finally in the works MSU-Northern.
“What an exciting day for northern and for MSU Northern Football,” said head coach Andrew Rolin. “I mean I look at these pictures and I look at these graphics and I mean this is the future. This is the future of the program. This is what we believe in and it’s exciting. There’s no better adjective than that.”
“The stadium we’re referring to it as the stadium project,” added Chancellor Greg Kegel. “It is a three phase project that we’ve put together to to build that football field, and then add onto that with phases that will include a complete sports complex as well as renovation of the entire area for parking and access into the stadium.”
The school said they have raised more than two million dollars for the project, and are 80 percent ready to begin Phase One. Most of that money had been donated by members of the Hi-Line community.
“I want to publicly thank them because I know how it is to do that. It’s a big thing to to make those kind of contributions this stadium and the whole project,” said Kegel. “Gloria and Mike Tilleman and Tilleman family have kicked the campaign off with that four hundred thousand dollar gift. And we’re going to acknowledge them as a family with the naming rights to the field.”
For Coach Rolin and the Lights football team, the new stadium speaks volumes about the growth of the program in Havre.
“We’ve got a mantra – it’s continuous effort continuous improvement in all that we do be better than you were yesterday. Well this is a great example of that right there,” said Rolin. “This is a great example of Northern stepping up and improving its facilities not just for football as we’ve alluded to but from Northern as a whole. This is what it’s all about.”
The stadium is expected to cost about three million dollars. The school hopes to have all the funds raised by next spring, and it is expected to be completed by next fall.