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Bob Woodward, left, chats with his Washington Post Watergate reporting colleague, Carl Bernstein, during the 2017 White House Correspondents Dinner 2017 in Washington, D.C.

The Life and Career of Bob Woodward

By Charles Apple
The Spokesman-Review

One of the most highly-respected journalists of our time, Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, will appear at the Spokane Convention Center Friday, Oct. 6, 2019 as part of the Whitworth University President’s Leadership Forum.

Woodward was one of the two young reporters whose routine assignment to cover a break-in at the Watergate office complex contributed to the downfall of the Nixon administration and a Pulitzer Prize.

Since then, Woodward has written or co-written 19 books — mostly on U.S. political topics.

All the President’s Men
With Carl Bernstein

Covers the stories — and the stories behind the stories — that Woodward and Bernstein wrote for the Washington Post starting with the initial Watergate break-in and leading up to the resignations of Nixon aides H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman and the revelation that tapes existed of White House conversations. The book would be made into an Oscar-winning movie starring Robert Redford as Woodward and Dustin Hoffman as Bernstein.

The Final Days
With Carl Bernstein

Picks up where the previous book left off, detailing the disintegration of President Nixon’s administration, his support and even his state of mind. The book became known for its description of a distraught Nixon asking Henry Kissinger, his secretary of state, to kneel and pray with him the night before he announced he would resign. In 1989, this book would be an ABC-TV movie starring Lane Smith as Nixon.

Major Life Events

1943: Born in Geneva, Ill.

1961: Begins studies at Yale.

1965: Begins five years in the U.S. Navy. One of his duties: handling nuclear launch codes.

1970: Cancels plans to enter Harvard Law School and goes into journalism instead. After a year at a small weekly in the D.C. suburbs, is hired by the Washington Post.

1972: Is assigned, with Carl Bernstein, to cover a burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters

1973: The Post wins a Pulitzer Prize for its Watergate reporting.

1981: Promoted to assistant managing editor. Will eventually be promoted to associate editor at the Post.

2002: The Post wins a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of America’s war on terrorism. Woodward wrote or co-wrote seven of the 10 stories cited.

2005: Former FBI associate director Mark Felt reveals he was Woodward’s “Deep Throat” Watergate source.

The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court
With Scott Armstrong

An in-depth look at how the court works. Drew criticism for Woodward’s extensive use of anonymous sources.

Wired: The Short Life & Fast Times of John Belushi

How Hollywood’s pervasive drug culture led to the overdose and death of comic actor John Belushi.

Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981-1987

A look at previously unknown intelligence work under President Reagan’s CIA director, William Casey.

The Commanders

A detailed inside look at the decision-making that led up to the first Gulf War. Gen. Colin Powell was famously referred to as a “reluctant warrior.”

The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House

Detailed coverage of the disputes, backbiting and tantrums pitched by members of the new Clinton administration.

The Choice

The inner workings of two opposing presidential campaigns — raising funds, opinion polling, the strategy of attack advertising and decision making.

Shadow: Five Presidents and the Legacy of Watergate

How the Watergate scandal has affected the administrations of five subsequent presidents.

Maestro: Greenspan’s Fed and the American Boom

Explains intellectual and political disagreement over the Federal Reserve and its monetary policy.

Bush at War

The New York Times Book Review called this book “an unofficial transcript of 100 days of debate over war in Afghanistan.”

Plan of Attack

The debate within the Bush administration over going to war in Iraq. Known for detailing vice president Dick Cheney’s “fever” for and “fixation” on a war.

The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate’s Deep Throat

Woodward wrote this one in advance, anticipating the death of his Watergate source.

State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III

Woodward’s third book about the Bush administration and how it misled the public about how poorly the war in Iraq was going.

The War Within: A Secret White House History, 2006–2008

Details tensions in the administration as it changes strategy in Iraq: “Surge” troops and classified operations.

Obama’s Wars

A look at President Obama’s first two years in office — how it approached wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the fight against terrorism.

The Price of Politics

Examined a series of standoffs between Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner and how this broken relationship affected economic policy.

The Last of the President’s Men

A look at Alexander Butterfield, the man who disclosed the existence of the secret White House taping system.

Fear: Trump in the White House

Trump aides struggle to deal with his behavior. Would sell 1.1 million copies in its first week on shelves — most ever for Simon & Schuster.

Sources:, the Washington Post, Encyclopedia Britannica, Simon & Schuster Inc., University of Texas’ Harry Ransom Center, New York Times Book Review, GoodReads, Internet Movie Database