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A realistic view of Trump

I wonder and question all day long how Trump supporters can be so blind. Now, I have come to understand from Mr. Ken Campbell’s letter (Sept. 26). He states that those who fear Trump are anti-gun is without merit. What are the statistics to back him up? He doesn’t. Just as from his “high horse” he believes just by having “liberal” by your name automatically labels you as anti-Trump, anti-gun.

His hypocrisy is astounding as he sees all the un-American, un-Constitutional, lying words and acts coming from his hero. He is not blind, but as millions of other pro-Trumpers, he doesn’t have the knowledge to help him examine, evaluate and form a realistic view of who Trump really is. Apparently, he finds, as he himself says “gets a wry kick” out of the dysfunction, destructive and dishonest happenings in our country, and the millions like him who express his views. It bodes the end of our country’s highly regarded historic reputation among nations, and the shame we must suffer in the future.

Ann Carlin


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