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No enforcement a slippery slope

Quoting Mr. Eichstaedt from his guest opinion on Sept. 20 (“Homeless fix requires adequate shelters”): “The city must work toward more shelter space that is free of restrictions.”

Wow. What does that look like, sir? Does “free of restrictions” mean one could be drunk and disorderly (oops, that’s illegal). Does “free of restrictions” mean “immune from arrest” for behavior not tolerated by existing laws?

Very slippery slope here, and what would enforcement of existing laws not suspended look like. Would there be a “paddy wagon” or two or three to haul misbehaving folks off to the “drunk tank,” to use some antique phrasing? If so, that would mean arresting them, i.e., enforcing existing criminal infractions beyond “sit-and-lie.”

Or maybe there would be some kind of internal “holding cell” with looser enforcement, and an open door to the outside weather, to keep folks who are behaving erratically from disturbing or injuring others? Could some innocent person injured by a belligerent or abusive addict sue the city, and win easily, for not enforcing existing statues? Just asking.

Andrew Hoye


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