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Opposing totalitarianism
The shooter at Odessa, Texas, had a criminal record and should never have had a firearm. More gun laws will not prevent gun violence. This has already been proven; stronger background checks won’t help. Nearly all convicted felons that are rearrested possess an illegal firearm.
Gun control laws are intended to circumvent and eliminate the Second Amendment and all constitutional rights. Each gun law passed is one step closer to total governmental control and a police state. The solution to gun violence is sharper public awareness and reporting any possible acts of gun violence to the authorities immediately.
The national news media’s (politically controlled national propaganda machine) definition of an assault weapon includes all automatic and semi-automatic weapons.
The Second Amendment was included in the Constitution by the colonies. It gave all U.S. citizens the means to resist a totalitarian government, which apparently our government is becoming.
The Real ID required on everyone’s driver’s license in 2020 is yet another means for the federal government to track and monitor every U.S. driver’s movements and activities, thus giving the federal government more control over everyone’s movements and activities.
Arlie Kellogg
Sandpoint, Idaho