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Fire hydrant overkill

In response to “Hillyard’s water contamination may lead to locks on fire hydrant” (Sep. 2):

In regards to the city’s plan to install locks on all fire hydrants as a result of the Hillyard water contamination, this is overkill by the city as usual. To create a massive, expensive program because of the extreme carelessness of one company is ridiculous.

Post Falls has a much smaller water system than Spokane. The majority of hydrant use is seasonal for construction, landscaping, etc., from May to October. A better program would be to have the water department build a water apparatus that combines a backflow device and a water meter in one unit that is then connected to the hydrant by the user. The company would check these out in May and return them in October.

The city would charge for the water use registered on the meter and collect fees that cover the cost of the program. The whole system as it is now works on the honor system. The state Department of Health requires homeowners to have a backflow devices; why does the city not require these for hydrant use? This is gross negligence on the city’s part.

The proposed plan as stated in the news article is akin to using a nuclear weapon to take out one sniper.

Alan Skinner


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