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Education is critical
How can you even consider cutting librarians/libraries or jamming children into classrooms so that you are babysitting/warehousing them instead of educating them? This has the smell of civil subversion/sabotage. At best it is idiocy.
Why? Our civilization is like a three-legged stool, the sturdy legs of which are (1) mining, (2) agriculture, and (3) the creative application of accumulated human knowledge (read: libraries, universities, research institutions, etc.). And you are telling us that you are comfortable with furthering/accelerating the process of destroying the latter? Weaken one leg so that it falters or fails and our society will collapse!
Education should be a critical part of – and included in – the National Defense budget. It should not be left to the vagaries of local politics or budget sissies and wimps. It should be treated with the same seriousness and significance as our military and our weapons development. Why? Because without highly educated citizens, who would be able to create the high-tech weapons of today’s and tomorrow’s armed forces, and who would have the education and training to operate those weapons?
Of course, you could always buy the technology and weapons from China and Russia. Ooops. Aren’t they our mortal enemies?
Donald O. Capstick