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A great sendoff

I am grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Walt Worthy, the Davenport Hotel staff, the Spokane Police Department, the U.S. Army Honor Guard and Suzanne’s collaborative friends for the warm and tender memorial service for my friend Tony Bamonte.

Tony Bamonte was one of our great ones and just a great guy to know. He was warm, understanding and could melt the humanity and humor out of cold hard facts. Tony was not always right but very seldom wrong. He had an obsession for hard work, candor, correctness and purpose. He was an evidence collector, a fact finder and the puzzle master who could put it all together. Tony was often conflicted because to him truth and honesty were essential, when to many honesty and truth were illusive, inconvenient and unimportant.

The kindness of Tony and Suzanne Bamonte was warm, comforting and sincere, just like Tony’s fresh roasted coffee. Their golden chronicles of our region’s history gave us old-timers a walk down the memory lane of our heritage. For the new and future comers, lessons to be learned and appreciated about their inheritance.

Rich Magney


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(509) 459-3815

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