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Body functions on display

Congratulations to those in charge at the Western Idaho Fair who declined to accept as a fair entry a picture showing a mommy breast feeding (“Idaho fair rejects breastfeeding photo,” Aug. 19).

Many of us in the public are SO very tired of people trying to show off functioning body parts as if we have no idea what they’re used for. Certain individuals seem more attuned to bashing society standards of good taste, just to make a “statement.”

So what if the photographer breastfed all the babies she produced. Zillions of women do that across the world! We need pictures???

We don’t really need to see biological functions; we know how they work. (And why the newspaper felt this was a newsy item is beyond me. And who told them about it??)

It does make one wonder, though, what new body “function” folks will want to highlight next. Not too many left to expand upon for the public’s edification!

Rosanne Anderson


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