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Excerpt: Washington State coach Mike Leach’s postgame exchange with Spokesman-Review columnist John Blanchette

Washington State head coach Mike Leach stands with players during a timeout in the second half Friday, Nov. 29, 2019, at Husky Stadium in Seattle. (Tyler Tjomsland / The Spokesman-Review)
From staff reports

Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from Friday’s Apple Cup postgame news conference in which Washington State coach Mike Leach took exception to a question from Spokesman-Review columnist John Blanchette. Blanchette’s question was both professional and appropriate in light of Leach’s seventh straight loss to Washington. – Ralph Walter, sports editor

Matt Calkins (Seattle Times columnist): Mike, this is the seventh year in a row they’ve gotten you, and they haven’t been really close games. How frustrating is it to keep coming up like this?

Mike Leach: “Well, it’s frustrating. I do find this part of it interesting, though. As fast as you guys rank their recruiting class, you know, in the top 10 and then you’re always surprised when they win. I think maybe that would have a little something to do with it?”

John Blanchette: So you’re not supposed to beat teams that have higher-ranked recruiting classes?

ML: “Well, we certainly have before. We didn’t win this one. And I don’t care to have a big discussion with you on it because I don’t really care what you think …”

JB: Mike, you’re playing with nine …

ML: “… you run your little column and stuff like some sanctimonious troll, where you’ve never been fair or even-handed with us, so I really don’t care what you think. OK, go ahead, because you’re going to write some really nasty stuff like you always do. And I don’t know which Coug way back when did something that offended you, but I don’t really care about that either. If you can live your little meager life in your hole and write nasty things and that makes you feel even, you go right ahead.”