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How did we get here?

I just finished reading the editorial commentaries in the Spokane Review of 11/14. They made me think of a recent article about the ongoing impeachment proceedings promoted by the phrase “How did we get here?” Both authors are compassionate about their respective points of view. However, they are obviously on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

More than that, they reflect a disturbing realization that we are living in an age of conflicting realities. Climate change is either a pressing situation that deserves our immediate attention or it’s a hoax. Russia interfered in the election of 2016. No, it was Ukraine. Issue after issue, the factual disparity is evident and only becoming more pronounced.

How did we get here? We seem to be split into two different realities.

If we are ever going to reach beyond the chasm of our disagreements, we are going to have to come to an agreement about what is real and what is not. If we don’t, we will never move forward and continue to fail.

We cannot live in a world of facts and alternative facts.

“When you argue with reality, you lose – but only 100% of the time.” – Byron Katie

Joel VanLuven


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