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Help pay for street repairs

I ride my recumbent trike throughout the greater Spokane area and here is what I see:

Homes that cost in the range of $75,000 to $1 million and more … oh, yes those biggies are out there.

And, in many cases, the landscaping, pools and fencing of those bigger homes on 5-, 10-, 20-acre lots cost more than the home that I have.

Cars and trucks costing in the range of, beaters 2,000 or 3,000, to luxury 65,000 and more … and in many cases, there are two or even three in the same driveway.

I see RVs … 20,000 to 450,000 … and some homes even have two of these

I am not jealous of those who have that excess, nor do I feel sorry for those who can’t afford “better” … I’m sure they made decisions which affected their lot in life.

But what gets me is that we, the citizens of this great state, can’t … won’t … pay an additional $30 to $60 a year (a mocha and a donut a month) to help pay for our streets, roads and highways.

We are a stupid bunch, aren’t we.

Herb Limbaugh


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