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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Trump’s ‘coup’

Why is President Trump saying that the Democrats are trying to stage a coup? He’s the one who, by his own admission, solicited the aid of a foreign government to help his re-election campaign.

That was an illegal action to undermine the Constitution of the United States. In other words, he attempted a coup.

His contention is that since no quid pro quo was delivered he did nothing wrong. Among the populations of state and federal prison systems are people who solicited illegal actions such as drug deals, arson and murder. Prosecutors have not been sympathetic to the idea that because drugs were not delivered, buildings did not burn, and people were not killed — so there was no quid quo pro — those who solicit such illegal acts should escape punishment. The president should be held to the same standard.

Since the attorney general has taken the position that a sitting president cannot be indicted, the only remaining way for justice to be done is for the House of Representatives to impeach and for the Senate to convict him.

Michael W. O’Dea


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