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An idea to pay athletes

It is probably inevitable that sooner or later, colleges and universities will pay student-athletes for playing major sports at the collegiate level. Here’s an idea that could be a win-win for the athletes as well as the sports programs of colleges and universities they play for.

Offer the student athletes an annual stipend of, say, $50,000, with the stipulation that in order to receive the money, the athletes would be required to agree to a binding contract stating that they will return to play their sport at that same school the following year. Obviously seniors would be exempt from the requirement.

For student-athletes who would otherwise opt to turn professional due to financial hardship, a $50,000 annual stipend should be sufficient to support their family and financial needs while they complete their education and continue to develop their skills.

It would reduce the number of skilled players who turn pro early and reduce the number of college to college transfers by student athletes. Hopefully more of them would then stay to earn a degree.

Coaches would be able to plan and prepare for future years knowing which seasoned, mature players would be returning to their programs. And players who opt not to receive the stipend would be free to transfer to another school or turn pro.

The details of this program would have to be worked out by the NCAA and their legal staff.

Paul Luppert


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