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BIden investigation is just

In 1999, President Bill Clinton signed the Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters.

Hunter Biden, according to his former wife, spent much money on prostitutes and used cocaine and excessive amounts of alcohol. He knew little to nothing about Ukraine and even less about drilling for and marketing gas. The Ukraine gas company, Burisma, hired Hunter Biden and paid him $50,000 a month. There are few believable reasons for Burisma to have done this. The most likely reason is that Hunter’s father was Vice President Joe Biden and Burisma was hoping to take advantage of this.

As president, it is Donald Trump’s job to enforce federal laws and investigate probable wrongdoing. President Trump asked Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to assist in the investigation of the Bidens. To not do so would have been a dereliction of his presidential duties. President Trump made the unusual action of declassifying and releasing a written transcript of his telephone call to President Zelensky. It confirms there was no quid pro quo, and President Zelensky has also said there was none.

Any questioning of the Bidens’ activities is unapproved because Joe Biden is running for president. It seems simply running for president makes one immune from federal prosecution. That may explain why we were confronted with two dozen Democrat candidates this year. Apparently many people have much to hide.

David Wordinger

Medical Lake

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