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An authentic Christian

I am constantly amazed by the ignorance concerning the characteristics of an authentic Christian. Brian Keeling’s Oct. 13 letter (“Diversity within beliefs,” Oct. 13) is a good example of this.

A Christian is someone who has taken advantage of God’s free gift of salvation. We are not perfect. A real Christian looks to Christ for guidance in all decisions.

Jesus told us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Sexual abuse of any kind is not part of this. Any Christian (be they layman or church leader) guilty of this will be severely judged by God.

Atrocities have been committed in the name of Christ throughout the last two millennia. Men used to dress up in white robes and harass black people. Those same men would go to church and proclaim what great Christians they were. Bah! Puritans immolated 38 people for being witches. Most of the accused were actually victims of a hallucinogenic found in a type of rye ergot.

In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said “All power is given unto me …” This includes political. Every leader was appointed by God; President Trump included. If you don’t like his behavior, then pray for him. Proverbs 21:31 says that God will direct his path.

By the way, there have been several agnostics whom have made significant contributions to America. Thomas Jefferson was one of them.

Douglas R. Benn


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