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Abdicating global responsibility

The current global situation which the United States now finds itself is a complete reversal of the basic tenets that were put into place following the end of World War II. America was a driving force in the creation of NATO, the United Nations and World Bank, World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund, all of which were designed to give the U.S. a primary leadership role regrading international relations.

Over the past decade or more, we have gradually begun a slow, and now accelerating pull-back from this chosen position.

The latest instance is the blatant, wholesale abandonment of our Kurdish allies in Syria. This force fought against ISIS before America since they were protecting hearth and home against atrocities, and once they were reinforced by American weapons, money and intelligence, helped in the defeat of the enemy.

Now, once victory (temporarily, since much of the organization is now based in Africa), has been achieved, the United States has chosen to abandoned a chief ally in the field. Turkey, with some justification, has always viewed Kurds as terrorists, thus the present invasion and loss of life, which will only get worse.

Instead of making America great again, I feel only ashamed and discouraged.

Gerald L Wilson


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