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How can we accept Trump?

I am writing in response to Penney Thompson’s letter on May 25 (“Trump has kept his word”).

I don’t see how someone could see that it is someone else’s fault that he hasn’t done what he ran on, I see that it is his fault because he lies about everything. I am 64 years old and I have never seen so much hatred in a president than Trump, not willing to work with Democrats, he has his base that he tries to make happy and the rest of us people don’t matter to him.

I am a Christian and can’t believe other Christians or anyone else can accept that name-calling, women, immigrants, people of a different color, the Mueller Report, Russia and so much more don’t mean anything to him. He was not my choice as president but after he was elected I accepted it, but not any longer.

I just want to find out why his base is willing to accept so much that is wrong, and if you have a daughter how you can accept his “Access Hollywood” tape? I am not a Republican or Democrat but I am probably more of a Democrat because of him.

Judy Malby


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