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The Administration

For almost three years now I have watched and read about this slow-motion train wreck we call an Administration. It is obvious that the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is not fit to be a rodent control officer in Hamelin.

It was obvious when he bullied and shouted down his fellow candidates during the 2016 debates. It was obvious when he dismissed the opinion of all the heads of U.S. intelligence agencies and accepted the word of a former KGB agent. It was obvious when this narcissistic snake oil salesman sided with tyrants and dictators over career diplomats.

Where else can we find a similar level of malfeasance, nepotism and venality except in a criminal organization? This Administration has been the center of overt and covert culpability since before its inauguration.

The only thing that tops this travesty is the GOP-led Senate and its leadership. Their performance over the last ten-plus years has been abysmal. They did everything in their power to thwart a Democratic president and turn a blind eye to the questionable activities of a GOP president.

Every Republican with a smidgen of honor and integrity should be ashamed to look in a mirror.

Gil Beyer


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