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Genetic counselors can help

Thanks for bringing attention to the challenge people may face when interpreting genetic test results from direct-to-consumer laboratories (“At-home DNA kit tests raise medical, insurance concerns,” May 5). Indeed, similar information has been published in the scientific literature. False-positive results released by direct-to-consumer genetic tests highlight the importance of clinical confirmation testing for appropriate patient care.

However, a resource was not mentioned in the article: genetic counselors. Genetic counselors are trained at the graduate level with a terminal master’s degree. There are over 40 training institutions across the country. We are trained to break down a patient’s genetic test results in a way they are more likely to understand, compared with looking at a report or raw data. We have national certification through the American Board of Genetic Counseling and licensure is available in Washington state. A genetic counselor may be found at the National Society of Genetic Counselors website –

I encourage anyone who has direct to consumer testing to review their results with a genetic counselor, so appropriate follow up may happen.

Matt Tschirgi, MS, Licensed and Certified Genetic Counselor


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