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Can’t work if we can’t talk

I’ve read a lot of news prints and have watched a lot of news reports on TV on how the Republicans want to do this and how the Democrats want to do that, and it seems to me that nothing is getting done in Congress.

I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 elections and I view myself as a Democrat and have voted that way most of my life. However I have voted for Republican candidates in the past and I probably will in the future. I try to find out which candidate would do the most for our country and our people, which in my opinion our current president doesn’t. I think he is a liar, a cheat, a racist and a bully. Not a person for our children to look up to.

With all that said, I want to remind everyone that he was elected president of the United States of America by us and it’s time we get busy running our great country. It’s time both parties of Congress get busy and do what’s good for our country as a whole and not what’s just on their own agenda.

We will never get anything done if we can’t all get together and work on things that will help all Americans. Mr. Trump is our president so let’s all move on! It’s the only way to help our wonderful country move forward.

God bless America and all Americans!

Terry Pierce


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