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Handicapped but still blessed

I was born at home to an 18-year-old woman in Chanute, Kansas, on July 13, 1943. I was born with a severe harelip, and cleft palate. My mother was told by the doctor that I was the ugliest baby, and it would have been better had I been born dead. My mother ordered the doctor out of the house, and told her mother to never let him in the house again.

As a result of a mother’s love, I underwent many surgeries, even after I was married at the age of 32. I also suffered severe ear infections, which resulted in a severe loss of hearing. I now have bilateral hearing aids. But God has blessed me with a beautiful, talented wife. God has blessed us with two sons, and twin granddaughters.

I was not the only child in the family with difficulties. My oldest sister - 8 years younger than I - developed polio about the time she would have started walking. It was a terrible time for the family. But she has developed into a beautiful, fantastic person, and is the proud mother of beautiful twin daughters, and two grandchildren.

I can never explain why this would happen to two of a mother’s five children. But God has given me the gift of poetry.

Jerrold L.C. Ham


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