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CMR did the right thing

After tracking Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers for 13 years I can finally say she did something good. When President Trump declared his bogus border emergency, something even he admitted wasn’t necessary, House Democrats sponsored a bill against the declaration. And, drum-roll-please, CMR turned her back on the president and supported the Democrats’ bill. She chose to support the Constitution. She chose wisely.

Washington Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray will undoubtedly support the bill against Trump’s executive overreach, but don’t expect the same patriotism from Idaho.

Newly elected Idaho Rep. Russ Fulcher spent his first months in office toadying up to Trump. Being true to his master he voted against the bill. The more experienced Idaho representative, Mike Simpson, spoke vehemently against Trump’s declaration and then spinelessly caved at the last minute. They chose poorly.

Idaho Sens. Jim Risch and Mike Crapo have a two-year track record of sycophantic Trump bootlicking, so they will undoubtedly choose poorly too.

The nation is in serious trouble when elected officials chose partisan politics over constitutional protections. CMR did the right thing.

Paul Oman


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