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The Spokane I love

Having just reread Paul Turner’s article for Feb. 10, I didn’t like it any better than the first time I read it. Why waste time and space comparing Spokane to Seattle or anywhere else? There is an old saying: “Comparisons are odious.” According to Webster, “odious” means “arousing or deserving hatred or loathing, disgusting; offensive.”

On Wednesday when I left work I had to cross over a huge berm to get to my car. At the top I realized I could not turn back but I was up about three feet and could not safely step down. I was just standing there trying to decide what to do when a woman driving by saw me. She went through the intersection, parked her car, walked back, took my hand and supported me while I got over it. I said thank you. She said you’re welcome. That was all. It was the Spokane I have known and loved since I first came down Sunset Hill in a Greyhound Bus in 1962.

Janet Gorman


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