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Why not proud?

I am responding to Mr. Leon’s Feb. 22 letter (“No longer as proud”). I was disturbed to read he is no longer proud and would not die for this president. Why such hate?

You mentioned your uncles served in WWII for Roosevelt — who by the way, was a morally corrupt womanizer who financially supported some of his lovers. Also, you mentioned your younger brother died in Vietnam, LBJ’s war. LBJ was another morally corrupt womanizer. Oh, and we all know about the Kennedy men and their women. Teddy Kennedy let Mary Jo Kopechne drown. He wanted to be president; wouldn’t you have been proud to serve under him! Let’s not forget Bill Clinton. He was another morally corrupt womanizer who was molesting and raping women during his political career; there’s a president to fight for! Take note — all Democrats here.

Would you rather serve the socialists who are trying to destroy our way of life — a way of life your family fought for? Now, our morally corrupt liberal socialists want to kill babies after they are born and tax us out of our livelihood; now there is something to be proud of!

Trump is trying to right some of the wrongs. I am proud of Trump’s “don’t tread on me” attitude, esoterically after President Spineless Obama!

Helen Garrett


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