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We’re better than this

Once again the circus comes to town in our nation’s capital as Michael Cohen is called a liar in the oh-so-many ways they can find to call him out.

Yet the 45th president of the United States in 2017 (Politico, Jan/Feb 2017) demonstrated that 70 percent of the statements he made were lies. The thousands and thousands he freely and joyfully has since continued to spout seem to have anesthetized the Republican Party and the ever-so-precious “base.”

Donald Trump has surrounded himself with thugs and criminals that are being taken to task for their oh-so-wrong turns with the lame excuse that they were “blinded by the light.” Thank goodness the Kool-Aid is not yet being served.

We would be well served if we would all take heed in Elijah Cummings’ closing remarks of the Cohen hearings: “We are better than this.”

Elizabeth Cobbs


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