Reason for hope
Jim Wavada’s excellent Feb. 27 letter to the editor (“Oversight at last”) celebrates the possibility that Democratic control of the House of Representatives will result in overdue accountability for Republican debacles that have been whitewashed over the past two years.
One such disaster is the heartless separation of refugee children from their parents. It is clear from the lack of record-keeping that there was little or no intention to reunite these riven families at any point in the future. Their forced separations were designed to instill fear in the hearts of others contemplating immigration to America. Amazingly, Homeland Security folks now assure us that adoption of these children will result in their suffering less trauma than reconnecting them with their parents!
Trump’s world view of people as pawns for his manipulation needs to be reined in, instead of ignored or facilitated. Hopefully new arrivals in the House and oldsters who still have a conscience will have the guts to turn this mess around.
David Fietz
Springdale, Wash.