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Breean Beggs supports business in Spokane

My wife and I are owners of The Cleaning Authority here in Spokane, and we believe Council member Breean Beggs offers solution-oriented leadership in his bid for City Council President. Recently we found ourselves in a position of needing to call on Beggs to help with a difficult situation affecting our business, as well as our employees. Our office is located on east Pacific, a dead end, non-improved, dirt street. This portion of Pacific has no curbs, sidewalks or parking signs. Our staff has parked on this street for almost 20 years with no issues. About two weeks ago over 30 parking citations were issued on a single day to our employees. This affected not only our business, but the surrounding stores also received citations.

We reached out to Breean to see if he could help. He promised he would immediately look into this situation. The very next day we had a response from him that he had spoken with the head of parking and received clarification on the issuing of the tickets, which was cars had to be parallel parked as opposed to angle parked. He was also successful in mitigating the fines issued to our employees.

Breean Beggs really stepped up as an advocate for our Spokane business.

We wholeheartedly endorse Breean for Spokane City Council President.

Mark and Susan Silver, The Cleaning Authority


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