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Drag story hour great opportunity

Congratulations and best wishes for the continued success of our Spokane Public Library!

When I was a boy, the library was a place to get a book. Today it’s the portal to everything the world has to offer. Like it or not, from a genetic standpoint, human beings are all brothers and sisters. Politically, socially, religiously and ethnically people divide into subgroups and, unfortunately, frequently decide their particular group is superior to others. A more evolved and sophisticated perspective is to accept who we are and that we can learn from others if those interactions are carried out with mutual respect and appreciation. The children of Spokane and the rest of the world ideally are introduced to the realities of living on our planet safely, sensitively and truthfully in ways they can understand and value. Events like the Drag Queen Story Hour make some bristle. Others see it as an exciting opportunity to have their children hear stories read to them by different kinds of storytellers. That experience for loving parents is a wonderful opportunity to have truthful discussions with young listeners that might help those children see the essential good in others regardless of the color of their skin or ball gowns.

Brooks Sackett


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