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Action can help bring an end to homelessness

Thanks for the inspiring story about homelessness with a happy ending, at least for now (“Couple living in former homeless camp find a home - and hope” by Kip Hill, June 23, 2019). This story shows one couple made it, with support of each other and help from a private organizations. Many others are not so lucky.

Fortunately, the House is considering a small raise in the Section 8 housing voucher program that will help 9,000 more families in America get housing. Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell and Rep. Suzan DelBene have introduced legislation aimed at increasing affordable housing. Congresswoman DelBene has also introduced legislation to increase the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit, that result in decreasing child poverty. So thanks to these members of Congress for their work, and please add in a renters tax credit, benefiting the 11 million families who currently pay over 50% of their income for rent.

Each of these initiatives work to end the pipeline to homelessness facing millions of Americans.

Please call or write those who represent you in Congress and ask them to support all of these ladders out of poverty.

Willie Dickerson


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