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What’s the goal?
I realize libraries are all about freedom of speech, so the Drag Queen Story Hour is not a surprise offering at a public library. Is the goal of a story hour to encourage reading or to indoctrinate young readers in a certain point of view?
I am wondering if Shawn Vestal (“Drag is not blackface,” June 12), who supports this presentation, has any group that he would not support having their own story time at the library when they are aiming the presentation to 3- to 8-year-olds. How about the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, NAMBLA, a porn industry representative, climate deniers, the NRA or anti-abortion groups. Should they have equal time?
Shawn seems to have difficulty distinguishing between a group disseminating propaganda to encourage adopting their point of view on an issue and one providing a service by reading to kids. For such an enlightened and progressive editorial writer, he seems to have an agenda that only goes one way, his way, by ridiculing those who do not have his insight. So much for civil discourse.
David Menard