Week Ahead
2019 Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly – Unitarian Universalist Association, today-Monday, Spokane Convention Center, 4,500 attendees.
2019 Ironman USA Coeur d’Alene – Ironman USA, today, Coeur d’Alene City Park, 2,800 attendees.
2019 Annual Conference – Association of Washington Cities, Monday-Friday, Spokane Convention Center, 500 attendees.
2019 30th 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament – Spokane Hoops Association, Saturday-June 30, downtown Spokane, 175,000 attendees.
Fixed Income Investments - Tuesday. Dive into the basics of fixed income investments, including seven investment characteristics, the advantages of laddering and strategies for fixed income investments. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Road, Millwood. Free. (509) 893-8260.
Dollars and Sense: Give Yourself a Raise - Wednesday. Discover how to succeed on a budget and avoid money troubles. Learn how to take control of money, make achievable goals and recognize predators. 6-7 p.m. Argonne Library, 4322 N. Argonne Road, Millwood. Free. (509) 893-8260.