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Attack on writer’s character

Don Nichols letter (June 16) putting down Melodie Kaltenbaugh for giving her opinion (June 6) was utterly misplaced and factually inaccurate. Mr. Nichols, Ms. Kaltenbaugh was pointing out that Lisa Brown, on social media, continues to take aim at her prior opponent. Like Hillary Clinton, she lost. It is time for Lisa Brown to accept her election loss.

Mr. Nichols points out that Ms. Kaltenbaugh has a cat. She does not. Mr. Nichols says that he investigated and found out that she is vice president of the Republicans Women’s Group. She is not. Mr. Nichols states that she wrote a hate letter. She did not. She stated facts and her opinion.

The only thing Ms. Kaltenbaugh failed to identify was that Lisa Brown voted for a state income tax and Washington State University did not renew Lisa’s contract. Mr. Nichols letter was factually inaccurate. Ms. Kaltenbaugh is not a hate-oriented individual. She is kind, a great mom, friend and neighbor. A nurse for over 50 years, she positively has touched many lives.

Nichols character assassination of this woman because of her political opinion was misogynistic. Nichols and The Spokesman-Review owe Ms. Kaltenbaugh an apology.

Deborah Markin


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