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Climate change boogey man

Perhaps you’ve heard the expression: “Liars do figure and figures do lie.” This bit of wisdom should be displayed any time “climate change” is mentioned. Our government propagandists (AKA politicians, media types, teachers, protesters, etc.) would have us believe that “the end is near” if we don’t adopt the Paris Accord and other socialist globalist programs. AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) said we have 12 years left. In 1970 Harvard biologist George Wald said civilization will end by 2000. Paul Ehrlich said that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans would perish in the Great Die Off. Life magazine reported that pollution, by 1985, would block half of the sunlight reaching Earth.

John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, says there is no such thing as global warming. He points to a petition to Congress by 31,000 scientists and engineers urging them to reject the Kyoto Agreement of 1997.

Climate change is just one more boogey man created by big government to justify increasing the size and control of socialists.

Larry Treffrey


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