The true enemy within
In response to “McConnell: We’d fill any Supreme Court vacancy,” May 29, 2019:
Democrats claim President Trump is the most villainous politician jeopardizing our democracy. He’s not. Senator Mitch McConnell is. Trump is just a bit player to McConnell’s main role as leading villain.
Trump has destabilized the world’s economy and exacerbated the immigration problem, but he’s not smart enough to ruin the United States.
McConnell, however, has done lasting damage. Prior to Trump’s election McConnell did everything possible to sabotage Obama’s economic recovery, held up Cabinet and judicial appointments to hamper environmental and legal procedures, killed attempts to solve the immigration problem, and altered Senate procedures for Supreme Court nominations.
Immediately after Trump’s inauguration McConnell got his wife appointed secretary of Transportation. Together they set up a gravy-train of $78 million in pork-barrel projects that only benefit his Kentucky districts. He then altered Senate procedures to stack the Cabinet and judiciary with bigots and get his friends lucrative postings.
But McConnell’s most egregious insult to our nation was ignoring Russia’s past and ongoing interference in our elections.
Even taking into account his persistent lies and incompetence, President Trump is not the biggest political threat to our nation. He’s just a sidekick to McConnell’s wickedness.
Paul Oman
Clarkston, Wash.