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What’s their stance?

Dear Men,

I am trying to figure out the Republican position on women’s health.

Most men seem highly motivated by sex. What makes sex easier to obtain than a willing and happy wife/girlfriend? Happy, secure women are more open to sex. What makes a woman happy? Well, birth control and the ability to control one’s reproductive life — as that is never far from most women’s minds.

So why are not all men lined up to provide ready access to all forms of women’s health care? It is in your best interest to have happy women, so why are so many men only looking to dominate, to control? Are they that weak that only force will work for them? Can they only keep control of their women by keeping them barefoot and preggers?

I know plenty of decent men who get the connection between being caring and compassionate and stronger relationships. Why are so many of the dominant men on the R side of the abyss? I am grateful to live in Washington, where women are treated as fully functional humans with agency. Lysistrata time, women?

Ellen A .Ostheller


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