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Education makes U.S. competitive
The cuts to our local school systems’ teaching totals is an example of why the true children aren’t the ones in the classrooms. It’s an example how too many supposed adults want something for nothing.
A strong education is the only way for the nation to continue competing in the future. Sadly, people don’t think they should have to pay for the future. That we don’t have enough money to have enough teachers, to have modern technology in the schools, to have books and high quality buildings, is pathetic. That people want it done without wanting to raise taxes to support public education is worse. To have so many people claim “I don’t have kids” or “mine aren’t in public schools” and vote against taxes that benefit society is worst of all.
That state legislators and local communities aren’t willing to strongly support the public schools, one key thing that helped America become a leading nations, means they’ve lost credibility. The American Dream means opportunity, and the U.S. is killing it.
Support public education, and that means supporting taxes.
David Teich
Spokane Valley